Wednesday, 6 June 2018

Chris and Theo

Theo and I were on Tory, sightings for 30th, 31st May and 1st June:

Greylag  on 31st, 7 at south lake and pair with 1 young at north lake
Shelduck  2 each day
Great Northern Diver  up to 4 off east end
White-billed Diver  on 30th, 1near adult and 2 imms; on 31st, 1 adult
Manx Shearwater  small numbers
Storm Petrel  7 from boat on 1st
Corncrake  on 31st one was seen climbing and slipping down the café roof at dusk. Probably 8/9 singing males
Sanderling  1 on 30th and 1st, 4 on 31st
Dunlin  maximum of 35/40
Oystercatcher  nest with 3 eggs near wishing stone
Great Skua  1 from boat on 30th
Black-headed Gull  at least 14 birds appeared to be sitting
Little Tern  maximum of 3 with one appeared to be sitting
Collared Dove  1 on 30th and 31st
Cuckoo  1 in west on 1st
Chiffchaff  maximum of 4, one singing male appeared to be holding territory around the magic bush
Spotted Flycatcher  1 on 30th and 31st

Linnet  a pair each day, appeared to be nesting in Eddie's garden

Friday, 18 May 2018

Eastern Subalpine Warbler

Brian Mc Cluskey and Gerard Murray are on for a couple of days. 3 White billed Divers yesterday and todays list below

1 Eastern Subalpine Warbler (first for tory)
2 Tree Pipit
17-20 Chiffchaff
5-6 Willow Warbler
2 Spotted Flycatcher
4 Collared Doves

Subalpine still present and looked like it was going asleep @8.30. Good luck to all who travel tomorrow.

Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Paul Lynch and Brian Carruthers 12th-14th May

Hi Peter

Greylag Goose 3 west end
Mute Swan 2 east end
Shelduck 2 east end
Tufted Duck
Eider 2 males in harbour
Great Northern Diver 4 highest count
White-billed Diver moulting Adult on 13th
Manx Shearwater
Corncrake Calling males 3 east end, 7 west end
Ringed Plover
Whimbrel up to 4 each day
Curlew 1 near harbour 14th
Black-headed Gull
Common Gull
Great Black-backed Gull
Iceland Gull 1 east end on 12th
Herring Gull
Lesser Black-backed Gull
Little Tern 2 from harbour road
Arctic Tern 30 around lighthouse
Great Skua 2 east end on 13th
Black Guillemot
Puffin 400+ on 13th
Rock Dove
Woodpigeon 1 east end on 13th
Collared Dove 1 east end on 12th, west town on 13th
Merlin 1 east end 12th
Peregrine 1 east end 12th & 13th
Hooded Crow
Sand Martin 1 east end on 12th
House Martin 1 west town on 14th
Willow Warbler at least 3 west town
Chiffchaff 2 or 3 west town, 4 east town
Sedge Warbler 4 singing males west town
Goldcrest 1 west town 13th & 14th
Redwing 1 in Gracies garden on 12th
Tree Sparrow
Pied Wagtail
White Wagtail 3 or 4 every day
Meadow Pipit
Rock Pipit
Linnet 2 west town
Goldfinch 2 west town

Derek Brennan 28th-29th April

Weather was excellent for a change, very calm and warm. Good sea conditions.

Whimbrel 12
Mallard 6
Tufted 5
Shellduck 2
Greylag 5
Corncrake 3 (west)
Jack snipe 1
Merlin 1
Swallow 20
Wheatear at least 25
Puffin at least 200
Great northern diver 6
White billed diver 1 (east - in early moult)
Chough 2
Golden Plover 11
Goldfinch 3
Chiffchaff (12 on 28th, 4 on 29th).
Blackcap 1

As I think Chris already mentioned, we had a Minkie Whale on the 29th, along with a few Bottlenose Dolphins, a Basking Shark and at least 6 Porpoise.

Wednesday, 2 May 2018

Chris Ingram 29th 30th April

Hi Peter,

I was on Tory on 29th and 30th April. Sightings as follows:

Greylag  maximum of 9 on 30th
Eider  1 pair + 2 males on 30th
Great Northern Diver  maximum of 8 off shore
White-billed Diver  1 on 29th, probably same bird seen by Derek
Manx Shearwater  small numbers passing west
Peregrine  2 possibly 3 on 29th
Corncrake  3/4 singing
Dunlin  maximum of 15 on 30th
Whimbrel  up to 5 birds present
Snipe  1 on 30th
Great Skua  1 off east both days
Black-headed Gull  10 at north lake on 30th
Collared Dove  2 in east on 29th
Chiffchaff  up to 4 present
White Wagtail  maximum of 6 on 29th
Goldfinch  maximum of 4 on 29th
Siskin  male on 29th
Linnet  maximum of c.20 on 30th

Also Minke Whale on 29th, and multiple sightings of Basking Sharks and Bottlenose Dolphins both days.


Sunday, 29 April 2018

Derek Brennan 28th May

Derek is on for a few days....
A few birds from today, but I'll send a more complete list later..

Whimbrel 6
Mallard 6
Tufted 5
Greylag 5
Corncrake 3 (west)
Jack snipe 1
Merlin 1
Swallow 20
Wheatear at least 25
Puffin at least 200
Great northern diver 6
White billed diver 1 (east - in partial molt)
Chough 2